'Complete PE Playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Edzp7VtPWlZ8l-i2mBsbs_Ez0x1Rbt3 Notes : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Zib8KP-o3ePCMO28suveBPzN6WqE6P4t?usp=sharing Topics Covered in This Video : 0:00 - Start 1:11 - 5.1 : Meaning and Importance of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness 4:50 - 5.2 : Components/Dimensions of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness 13:41 - 5.3 : Traditional Sports & Regional Games for promoting wellness
Tags: ap , Arpit , appedia , porwal , physical fitness wellness and health , physical fitness health and wellness class 11th , physical fitness health and wellness class 11 notes , physical fitness health and wellness class 11 one shot , chapter 5 physical fitness health and wellness class 11 , meaning and importance of wellness health and physical fitness , unit 5 physical fitness health and wellness class 11 , physical fitness health and wellness class 11 ch 5 , physical fitness and health and wellness
SEE ALSO: chapter , aerobic exercise , pul , Unboxing , auf , pilates abs , homeworkout , athlete , hip strength , yank