
'Are Calorie Counting Watches (Activity Trackers) Accurate? #SHORTS'

'Are Calorie Counting Watches (Activity Trackers) Accurate? #SHORTS'

'http://instagram.com/bdccarpenter http://tiktok.com/@bdccarpenter http://facebook.com/bencarpenterpersonaltraining http://twitter.com/bdccarpenter  Are calorie counting watches (activity trackers) legit?  I received this question on TikTok (feel free to follow me there if you aren\'t already).  Last time I made a post saying they weren\'t accurate at reporting how many calories people burn, a lot of people got really mad at me.  But look, most of them can\'t even reliably track step count, so how do you think they are going to hit the nail on the head for how much energy you burned over a 24-hour period?  Sure, some devices are more accurate than others but it depends on a lot of things.  What device you are wearing, where you are wearing it, what activity you are doing, even skin colour might make a difference. When I say they aren\'t reliably accurate, I don\'t mean they are *never* accurate, I mean we can\'t trust them.  They aren\'t going to hit the bullseye every time, that\'s all.  But I don\'t know why people get mad over this. Something doesn\'t have to be 100% accurate to be useful.  I don\'t know if my kitchen scales are calibrated to the precise gram but if I am baking a cake I am still going to use them, you know?  So yeah, generally speaking we can\'t trust commercial devices with a high degree of accuracy, but they may still be useful even if it is just from a behaviour change perspective, like encouraging people to walk more because they track their step count.  References: - Accuracy in Wrist-Worn, Sensor-Based Measurements of Heart Rate and Energy Expenditure in a Diverse Cohort - How well do activity monitors estimate energy expenditure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the validity of current technologies - A meta-analysis of Fitbit devices: same company, different models, different validity evidence - Accuracy of Fitbit Devices: Systematic Review and Narrative Syntheses of Quantitative Data - The Effect of Physical Activity Interventions Comprising Wearables and Smartphone Applications on Physical Activity: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - The effects of step-count monitoring interventions on physical activity: systematic review and meta-analysis of community-based randomised controlled trials in adults' 

Tags: fitness , Weight loss , personal trainer , fat loss , weight loss tips , fitness model , fitbit , apple watch , Garmin , smart watches , Fitbit Charge , Fat loss tips , calorie deficit , Activity Trackers , fitbit inspire , samsung watch , calorie counting , Celebrity Personal Trainer , huawei watch , calorie tracking , Weight loss myths , personal trainer los angeles , fitbit luxe , fat loss myths , Nike Watch , ben carpenter , personal trainer Beverly Hills

SEE ALSO: real tractors , style , female motivation , workout videos , stability , egzersiz , girl , inspirational , john abraham movies , keeping up with the kardashians

Feb 27, 2024
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