'http://www.mrsupplement.com.au - Training for Ladies - Day 5 - Exercise 4 - Seated Dumbbell Incline Curl: As you\'ve worked the back quite thoroughly already, only 1 bicep exercise needs to be done. Aim for 3 sets x 15 reps with only 30 seconds rest in between sets. Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion & Sally Matterson - INBA Australia Sportsmodel Champion'
Tags: bodybuilding , personal trainer , fat loss , fitness model , Bodybuilder , body shaping , Guns , arm training , women's training , inba , Ladies Training , losing fat , Sally Matterson , bicep training , womens training , bis , correct form , nick jones , training for women , seated dumbbell incline curl , bi training , training your arms , training for ladies , figure shaping , incline curls
SEE ALSO: let , hyd , songs , runaway , compl , new , Philippines travel , workout video , warm up , chapter