'This is the story of UP’s Ankita Singh. Besides being a bodybuilder she has also won Miss Karnataka and is a 2 time ‘Miss India Bikini’ bronze winner. But Ankita did not receive the recognition and respect she deserved. Her family disowned her for wearing a bikini for the competition. Ankita Singh comes from a small village in Mirzapur, UP where educating girls is not a priority. Even slightly educated girls face the pressure from their families to get married by the time they reach the age of 22-23. Ankita would have been one of them but fate had something else in store for her. Ankita went to see a gym in 2008 and decided to join for fitness. #AnkitaSingh #Bodybuilder #Inspiration #Girls Bringing you stories that matter to our generation. Indiatimes is your go-to place for smart, intelligent and quirky content from around the world. We feature stories that will inform and entertain you across a number of subject domains. We aim to bring “you should know”worthy stories from the world of politics, sports, music, health, Bollywood, business, entertainment, automobiles and technology straight to you. A Times Internet Product Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indiatimes Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indiatimesinsta/ Tweet to us: https://twitter.com/indiatimes'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , Health , bodybuilding , athlete , Bikini , Bodybuilder , female bodybuilder , upsc , Girl bodybuilder , tỏi , ibbf , indiatimes , ankita singh , Bikini Fitness Girl , ankita singh bodybuilder , up bodybuilder ankita singh , bodybuilder ankita singh , india's first female bodybuilder , ankita singh miss diva 2021 , ankita singh news , ankita singh ias , miss india ankita singh workout , ankita singh IBBF mr india 2019 , IBBF mr india 2019 , ankita singh interview , bikini physique athlete
SEE ALSO: low back pain exercises , ZUMBA , 2nd trimester , rogue fitness , imp , Take , Fight , pilates abs , army , weights