
'Medical Test Guidelines for Merchant Navy | Medical Fitness | Body Fitness | Fully Explained |'

'Medical Test Guidelines for Merchant Navy | Medical Fitness | Body Fitness | Fully Explained |'

'Medical Test Guidelines for Merchant Navy | Medical Fitness | Body Fitness | In this video I am explaining Guidelines for Medical Test Structure There should be no evidence of weak structure by way of imperfect development of muscles or serious defect.Weight below 42 kg and height below 150 cm will be rejected. The chest should be well developed with a minimum range of expansion of 5 cm. For female applicants,Weight below 39 kg and height below 145 cm will be rejected.Weight to be proportionate to height and age.  Skeletal System There should be no disease or impairment of functions of bones or joints, contracture or of deformity of chest or any joint, abnormal curvature of spine, deformity of feet like bow legs, knock knees, flat feet, deformity of upper limbs, deformity of the head, deformity from fractures or depression of the skull, deformity or uneven bending of the spinal column, fractures (healed) with a pin inside will be a disqualification.  Ear, nose and throat There should be no impaired hearing, discharge or disease in either ear, unhealed perforation of the tympanic membrane or signs of acute or chronic suppurative otitis media or evidence of radical mastoid operation, evidence of disease of the bones and cartilage of the nose, nasal polypus or disease of nasopharynx or accessory sinuses. Loss or decay of teeth to such an extent as to interfere with efficient chewing. No disease of the throat, palate, tonsils or gums or any disease or injury affecting the normal function of either temporomandibular joint. Individuals with severe pyorrhoea are to be rejected. The unaided average threshold at least 30db in the better ear and an average of 40db in the other within the frequencies 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 Hz and a whisper from a distance of not less than 5 meters can be heard  Speech There should be no impairment of speech  Lymphatic System There should be no enlarged glands, tubercular or due to other diseases in the neck or other parts of the body.Thyroid gland should be normal.  Cardiovascular System There should be no sign of functional or valvular or other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. An electrocardiogram should be within normal limits. Systolic blood pressure should not exceed 150mm of Hg nor Diastolic above 90 mm of Hg.  Respiratory System There should be no evidence of chronic or respiratory tract disease, pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any chronic disease of the lungs. X-ray of the chest should be normal. The resting respiratory rate should be below 20 per minute and the holding time should not be less than 30 seconds.  Digestive System There should be no evidence of any disease of the digestive system and that liver and spleen should not be palpable and there should be no abdominal tenderness on palpation.  Genitourinary System There should be no palpable and enlarged kidneys. There should not be any disease of kidneys. Cases showing albuminuria, glycosuria or blood (RBC) in urine will be rejected.There should be no hernia or tendency thereto. Those who have been operated for a hernia may be declared fit provided: (a)  One year has elapsed after the operation. Documentary proof to be produced by the candidate. (b) General tone of abdominal muscles should be good and (c) There has been no recurrence of a hernia or complications with the operation.  Skin There should be no skin disease unless temporary or trivial. Scars which by their extent or position are likely to cause disability or marked disfigurement are a cause for rejection. Nervous System There should be no history or evidence of mental disease of the candidate or in his family. Candidates having a history of fits incontinence will not be accepted. Mental or nervous irritability, abnormality of gait, defective functions of cranial nerves,incoordination, motor or sensory defaults will be rejected.  Eye Sight There should not be any degree of squint or any morbid condition of eyes or of the eyelids that is liable to aggravate or recur,Candidates must possess good binocular vision. Movement of the eyeballs must be full in all directions and the pupils should react normally to light.  Oral Health The acceptance or rejection on account of loss or decay of teeth depends upon the relative position of the sound teeth, A sufficient number of teeth must be present for efficient chewing.  Musculoskeletal System There should be no defect of the musculoskeletal system that could interfere with the discharge of their duties (muscular power, balance, mobility, and coordination should be unimpaired). Limb prosthesis would not be acceptable.  Mandatory Clinical Test: Other than physical observation, various numbers of Clinical Tests are carried out to make sure that all the Standards are met. 1. Complete Blood Count 2. Routine Urine(Albumin, sugar and microscopic) 3. Blood Sugar 4. Audiometry 5. Vision Test (Distant, Near, Colour) 6. X-ray of Chest 7. Electrocardiogram (ECG)' 

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Dec 25, 2023
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