'Back is a very important part of our body when it comes to training for V-shape. Our back consist of many muscles like latissimus dorsi, the trapezius, levetor scapulae and the rhomboids. So,Whats up guys this is Nikhil Nautiyal and today we are going to train our back. So let\'s get started. So guys our first exercise is Front Lat Pulldowns and we are going to do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. The technique used in this exercise is like that the weight we are lifting must be lifted through our elbows. And when our hands will be upwards then we have to fully stretch our back. and While pulling it downwards we have to fully squeeze our back. Our 2nd exercise is Single Arm Dumbbell Rows and again we are going to do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. Technique used in this exercise is that when our hands are going we have to fully stretch our back make sure to pull the weight through your elbows. And squeeze the back properly. Try to Increase the weight in every set It is one of the best exercises for getting a V-shape. In between don\'t forget to stretch your back. The more you stretch your back, the more you will get a better shape. Our 3rd exercise is T-Bar Rows and again we are going to do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. It also has the same technique. We have to pull the weight through our elbows. And stretch the back properly while your hands are down and also squeeze the back properly while your hands are up. Form should be proper while doing this exercise. Our 4th Exercise is Deadlifts and again we are going to do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. Form should be very strict.Any type of Carelessness could provoke you for severe injury. Your legs should be strong enough to hold the weight. Back should be fully squeezed while performing this exercise. And please don\'t loose form guys. If you have good form then you will get good results. Our last exercise is Rear Lat Pulldowns and agian we are going to do 4 sets of 10-15 reps. It has the same technique as that of Front Lat Pulldowns. With your elbows you have to fully squeeze the back And while taking your hands upwards you have to fully stretch your back. It is also one of the best Exercise for people who want V-shape Back. And you can see how properly I\'m squeezing my back. And guys here finishes our workout. So guys if you like my video Please subscribe to my channel. Like this video, share this video among your friends. And if you have any questions you can comment down below and i will surely respond to them. Guys I feel very thankful when somebody asks me that how to do ! So guys if you have any question you can ask me. As I\'m here to help you. #backworkout #nikhilnautiyal #nikhilnautiyalfitness Watch My Other Helpful Videos Here
Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , bodybuilding , back , back workout , nikhil nautiyal , nikhil nautiyal fitness , back exercises , best back exercises , back workouts , best back workout , workout for back , workout lats , lats workout , Back Workout for Beginners , back workout at gym , back workout for mass , Complete Back Workout , v shape back , back exercises for men in gym , how to get v shape , v shape back workout , exercises for v shape , get v shape back , get v shape , how to get v-shape back
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