
'Three Benefits of Stability Ball Workouts'

'Three Benefits of Stability Ball Workouts'

'Stability balls are amazing.  OF COURSE they add variety and fun to your Stability Ball workouts, but they also provide functional, bio-mechanically sound benefits that will enhance your workouts exponentially.  In English:   You\'ll get more-bang-for-your-workout-buck! The stability ball allows for closed chain exercises which naturally involve many more core muscles that open chain exercises.  More core = more strength gains = more calories burned with every repetition! Additionally, the instability supplied by the stability ball recruits the local stabilizers (tiny core and joint stabilizers that we typically can\'t access voluntarily) automatically, providing exponential strength gains, especially in stabilization, which is essential for injury prevention.  Finally, the stability ball provides instantaneous feedback:  if your balance is off, you\'ll fall off the ball! But seriously, from finding ideal alignment to ideal balance and form, the stability ball provides an automatic and instantaneous feedback system so that you can self-correct slight imperfections.' 

Tags: stability ball workout , stability ball core workout , stability ball exercises , Pilates on Fifth , pilates stability ball

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Nov 25, 2023
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