'Brad demonstrates a great method of improving balance and proprioception for ankle rehab utilising a dura disc. Using a dura disc allows for many progressions to be added. 1. Stand with one leg on dura disc 2. Maintain balance To progress 1. Close eyes 2. Place hands over head 3. Add weights 4. Add twisting movements https://www.pogophysio.com.au/'
Tags: how to , exercise , balance , ankle , physical therapy , physiotherapy , rehabilitation , proprioception , pain free , ankle rehab , dura disc , Pogo physio , Brad Beer , running physio , Gold Coast physio
SEE ALSO: मंगलवार को non veg क्यूँ नह� ं खाते , 45 , Ken , fitness , functional , women s workout , Jos , zumba class , saree function , full body