'★ N E W!!! F I T N E S S E B O O K: https://sellfy.com/p/XZQl/ 10% off cupon code: SPRING19 ★ G O O D M O R N I N G W O R K O U T B U D D I E S ★ Hello Workout Buddies. Today I take you with me through my goals, meals and workouts. I\'m living a life of more balance and fun and really enjoying it so far. Hope you\'ll join me with your own goals over the next 12 weeks. ★ T H E C H A L L E N G E ★ Pick 1 big end goal and up to 6 daily goals you want to accomplish over the next 12 weeks. Daily goals should be simple, but will make a big difference over time. Here are mine ... ⏰ - Wake Up by 6 am
Tags: fitness , Lifestyle , healthy lifestyle , what i eat in a day , workout buddies , balanced lifestyle , happy life , gymshark , what I eat , gymshark women , what i ate today , what i ate , metabolic damage , 12 week challenge , fitness inspo , workout buddy , permanent weight loss , montana danna , danna dailies
SEE ALSO: Int , John Abraham s gym workout , Netball , lympstone , tone , body building , annual day , building , Bollywood News in hindi , Arnold