
'Home Boxing Workout for Punch Speed & Endurance'

'Home Boxing Workout for Punch Speed & Endurance'

'Are your quarantine workouts getting stale? Follow along to this solo home #boxing workout, to develop punch speed & endurance -- no equipment or partner needed! Build up the upper body, improve your hand speed, and sharpen up your #footwork with these solo boxing drills.  6-Day MMA Course►https://fighttips.com/courses/solo-mma-workouts/  Live Workout (4/24 at 12pm PT)►https://www.instagram.com/shanefazen/  SUBSCRIBE TO GET MORE #FIGHTTIPS►http://bit.ly/1APnzvw  FOLLOW: Facebook | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSFacebook Twitter | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSTwitter Instagram | http://bit.ly/fightTIPSInstagram' 

Tags: shane fazen , fight tips , home boxing workout

SEE ALSO: kardashian , fitness tips , Class , bauch workout , zin �� , gymshark , easy to follow , cardio workouts , isaw , strengthening

Sep 23, 2023
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