'In this video, Glenn covers the 5 advanced boxing combinations all with footwork that you can develop whether there\'s dynamic on the balance, single steps, roll and step, step in across your opponent, step into range and few other things that you should practice and try during the real fight. 00:00 Intro 00:22 Combo 1 - 2 Steps Forward, Double Jab, Slip, Hook, Cross, Step & Roll 01:49 Combo 2 - 1, 2, Step Back, Uppercut, Pivot, Cross Hook 03:33 Combo 3 - Step In, Hook, Cross 06:00 Combo 4 - Drill: Jab On The Bounce (Rhythm) 07:36 Combo 5 - Jab, Pin, Pot Shot Cross, Step Roll Under, Body Shot 09:25 Outro Check out these related videos: 3 Boxing Combinations with Footwork https://youtu.be/UGecp6Mq3lQ 3 Complex (Advanced) Boxing Combinations to Practice https://youtu.be/ChaHySpeKDE 3 Realistic Boxing Combinations https://youtu.be/WfZytruPahA ___________________________________________________________________ Grab Glenn’s Mittwork Masterclass video library package of over 200 boxing mitt work combinations & tutorials here: https://mittworkmasterclass.glennholmes.net MY SOCIAL MEDIA Follow me on Instagram: https://Instagram.com/glennholmesLA Subscribe to this channel: https://www.youtube.com/GlennHolmesLA Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@glennholmesla Box n\' Burn Academy: https://boxnburn.com Merch Store: https://store.boxnburn.com ____________________________________________________________________ My name is Glenn Holmes, a boxing fitness coach in Los Angeles, CA, and co-owner of Box N Burn Academy with Tony Jeffries, the world’s #1 boxing fitness education course & certification. #boxingcombos #footwork #advancedboxingcombos'
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