'Here\'s a new YouTube exclusive workout video for everyone! I want YOU to be the best that you can be so get up, get motivated and live a great life starting TODAY. Visit our website at http://www.taebonation.com for more! Make sure you always stay strong and stay positive- life is a blessing so let\'s be the best we can be. Check out my favorite essential oils- amazing for keeping the body healthy & strong: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/site/tomokoblanks Follow me on instagram: @billyblanksofficial1'
Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , home workout , trending , ENTERTAINMENT , Weight loss , healthy , exercise , weights , Health , core , popular , calories , quarantine , coronavirus , sweat , intense , at home workouts , motivate , positive , tae bo , corona , stay home , popular videos , inspire , taebo , tae bo videos , billy blanks videos , billy blanks workout , advanced , Quarantine Workouts , workout advice , Fitness (Broadcast Genre) , all in , tae bo workout , body shape , Stay together , workout advise , Billy Blanks (TV Actor)
SEE ALSO: weight loss journey , workout routine , ext , boxing , strength and conditioning , spor , newzins , American made , Fitness Inspiration , diet