'\"Dura\" is a single by Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee from his studio album El Disco Duro. Zumba Fitness on Dura is choreographed by ZIN Kumar Shah. Artist: Daddy Yankee In this video I have ZIN Prashanth, ZIN Sunila, ZIN Mohit, ZIN Kalpana and myself Kumar. The song was written by Daddy Yankee, Juan Rivera, Luis Romero, and Urbani Mota, and was produced by Los Evo Jedis. Zumba is the the most awesome workout ever. Dance to great music, with great people, and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it. Watch the original video by Daddy Yankee - Dura - here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGIm0-dQd8M'
Tags: fitness , Workout , ENTERTAINMENT , Dance , zumba fitness , zin , ZUMBA , zumba dance , India , 2018 , choreography , full video , zumba workout , Moves , dance choreography , zumba choreo , pune , dance cover , daddy yankee , dura , zumba india , dura dance , Juan Rivera , zumba moves , Bollywwod , kumar shah , zumba beginner video , zin kumar shah , latest hits 2018 , dura - official video , Luis Romero , Urbani Mota , Los Evo Jedis
SEE ALSO: Que , nestle fitness , ab workout , lady , belly fat , Martial Arts , 2nd trimester , butt workout , diät , deadlift