
'Beginners Step and LBT Workout 17'

'Beginners Step and LBT Workout 17'

'Step & body conditioning for Legs, Bums. and Tums Great for beginners Working out to great music keeping it basic and easy to follow.  Let\'s have some fun for 30 minutes.  Working to get unfit and overweight people healthy with basic steps and easy to follow workouts.  With a balanced diet, these exercises can start you on your way to be healthier person  All in the comfort of your own home.  visit sunrise2thenewu.com  Facebook sunrise2thenewu  twitter sunrise2thenewu' 

Tags: Workout , abs , 30 minutes , stretch , arms , fun , Beginners , training , easy to follow , legs , warm up , Cool down , stress , easy workout , overweight , body conditioning , great music , unfit , tums , Bums , basic Aerobics

SEE ALSO: strength , MMA , SPORT , challenge , burlesque , gain , mon , street food india , hip hop , hit

Sep 5, 2023
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