'http://www.facebook.com/LauraLondonFitness Gym Boss Timer: http://interneka.com/affiliate/AIDLink.php?BID=11452&AID=42039 Hi everyone it\'s GIVEAWAY TIME! The people at GYM BOSS are the bomb. They know I love my Gym Boss Timer and want me to spread the love. They have a brand new color timer and it\'s GOLD. I am giving it away this week over on my FaceBook Page so come on over and LIKE my Page and the GYM BOSS Page and leave me a comment telling me: Why You Want the GOLD GYM BOSS TIMER and how you will use it during your workout. Simple and easy! I will be giving it away this Wednesday on FaceBook. http://www.facebook.com/LauraLondonFitness ~Can\'t wait to see your comments, I will see you there~'
Tags: fitness , abs , tabata , ab , workouts for women , Giveaway , hiit workouts , laura london , workout timer , Gym Boss
SEE ALSO: philippines food , fitness blender , sweat , Kareena Kapoor Workout Video , muscular , mak , love , karate , sixpack , workout at home