'RJ4All Sports is the charitable fitness branch of the Restorative Justice for All International Institute (RJ4All). At RJ4All, we believe that to address disadvantage and rebalance power in society in a more equal way, we must adopt a holistic approach. We believe in the power of sports in bringing people together, addressing marginalision and community cohesion issues, while improving well-being and health outcomes. This is why we created the \"RJ4All Sports\" brand! RJ4All Sports is delivered at the RJ4All Rotherhithe Community Centre, and the nearby Greenland Dock where we have our accessible boat for free sailing activities. At our Centre, we offer all sorts of sports including group fitness classes, personal training as well as nutrition classes. This is also where you can find the RJ4All Community Gym, which is open to everyone. We also deliver various online classes including zumba, salsa and women empowerment sessions. These are uploaded on our RJ4All Sports YouTube channel and are provided for free. Find out more https://www.rj4all.info/sports Subscribe to our channel to be notified for the next episode. This video is part of RJ4All\'s mission to rebalance power in society. To support our mission https://www.paypal.com/gb/fundraiser/charity/125844 To follow RJ4All and Theo Gavrielides @TGavrielides https://www.facebook.com/RJforAll/ @RJforAll https://www.linkedin.com/company/rj4all/ www.theogavrielides.com Social Media Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RJforAll/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RJforAll Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rj4all_/ Website: https://www.rj4all.info/'
Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , Weight loss , exercise , SPORTS , six pack , legs , toning , indoor cycling , how to get a six pack , high intensity training , free classes , free online classes , free sports , sailing , restorative justice , Sports Channel , tums , Bums , Southwark , RJ4All sports , RJ4All , Restorative justice for all , sport classes , theo gavrielides , SE16 , London sports , charity sports , restorative justice sports , RJ sports , RJ4All community centre , community centre , community sports
SEE ALSO: latest , Cobra Fitness , burlesque fitness , pi , girl , burn , beginner workout , lazy dance , box ρο όνηση , Tollywood