


'CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WORKOUT!! http://www.turbulencetraining.com    This is the third workout of the Big 5 circuit program and in it you have the choice between the barbell complex circuit and the bodyweight circuit.  Today, we\'ll focus on the bodyweight circuit.  So, starting out you\'ll begin with a Prisoner Squat.  To get in position, place your hands behind your head and keep your elbows back.  Next, push your hips back, squat down and drive back up.  Make sure to keep your chest open throughout.  From there, go right into a Spiderman Push up.  If you\'re not strong enough to do this exercise, then any other type of push up will do.  So, get into a regular push up position and then as you go down, bring one knee up to your elbow and then back out.  Alternate sides.  Once you\'ve done all your reps for the push up exercise, you\'ll then go up against a wall to perform the Stick-up exercise.  For this exercise, make sure your feet are six inches out from the wall, your butt, shoulder blades, elbows, wrists, and head are all pressed against the wall.  Next, raise your arms up over head and then tuck them down into your sides.   After you\'ve completed all your reps for the stick-ups, you\'ll go right into a Diagonal Lunge.  So, step out to the side while keeping your foot facing forward and then drop your hips straight down, using your lead leg to drive back up. Alternate sides.  To finish of the bodyweight circuit you\'ll do a total body abdominal exercise, known as the Spiderman Climb.  In this exercise, start in a regular push up position.  Next, bring your foot up to just outside your hand, and then back down.  Switch sides.  If you are inflexible or a beginner only go half way until you are more comfortable with the exercise.  Also, be sure to keep your abs braced and your hips low.  So that\'s it for the circuit.  Once you\'ve made it through all the exercises, rest one minute, and then repeat two times.   Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence Training and TTMembers shows us how to lose fat and gain muscle with Workout D from the TTmembers May monthly workout. http://www.ttmembers.com' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , exercise , workouts , loss , fat , exercises , training , Big , ab , burn , Five , craig , Turbulence , ballantyne

SEE ALSO: gym lovers �� , fit flaunt burlesque , couple , bauchtraining , inspirational , stability ball exercises , salsa , soccer , zumba dance , muscular

Aug 17, 2023
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