'Our first Q and A video with questions taken from our Facebook page Samien Training. Episode 2 to follow very soon. Follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Samientraining/ Follow our Instagram accounts: https://www.instagram.com/samduckworthpt/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/dwalkerfitness/?hl=en Disclaimer: this is our advice and opinion.'
Tags: fitness , cardio , gym , Personal Training , strength , science , classes , gains , functional , plyometrics , Knowledge , lifting , pt , qanda , Xercise4Less , samien , Samientraining
SEE ALSO: instagram上 感健身美女 , shilpa shetty workout , power , booty , gym motivation , Health , kardashian , bir , India , Kareena Kapoor Gym