
'The best advice for a Gym Beginner? | Lex Griffin'

'The best advice for a Gym Beginner? | Lex Griffin'

'Mulligan brothers merchandise- https://www.mulliganbrothers.com/  ====================================================== Special thanks to Lex Griffin   Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lex_fitness/   Twitter - https://twitter.com/Lexonidas  ======================================================  Director of photography - Luke Mulligan  Director of photography - Jordan Mulligan https://www.instagram.com/jordanmulliganbrother/   Mulliganbrothers - https://instagram.com/mulliganbrothers​  GET UP NOW - One of The Most Inspiring Videos - shorturl.at/etEH4  Lex Fitness Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/LexFitness ======================================================' 

Tags: motivation , motivational videos , motivational speech , mulliganbrothers , mulligan brothers

SEE ALSO: Kareena Kapoor Gym , couples workout , bauchtraining , � ต้น Zumba , Fitness Ηλιού� ολη , how to , alien fitness , speech , ripped , India

Jun 29, 2023
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