'More bodyweight training for women: http://bit.ly/2kisoAp The exercise ball, stability ball, swiss ball - whatever you want to call it - that\'s what we are using to train our abs today. The exercise ball is amazing because it allows you to use your own body weight but kick it up a few notches by challenging your core stability at the same time you are working your abs - double whammy! There\'s an exercise for everyone and even ways to make it harder or easier depending on your fitness level. ♥ LIKE this video ♥ ▶︎ Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNvplum1nGM ***** Runtastic Blog: http://bit.ly/2kRPaM3 Subscribe NOW: http://bit.ly/rtFitness (to get more FREE & great workout and fitness tips) ***** Reach your fitness, nutrition, health, wellness & happiness goals: New Runtastic Fitness videos are posted weekly, providing you with helpful, high-quality information on how you can lead a healthy and active lifestyle.'
Tags: fitness , abs , exercise , Health , exercise ball , ball , runtastic , runtasticFitness
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