
'18th Century Back and Fore Stitch'

'18th Century Back and Fore Stitch'

'This video shows you how to stitch and \"back and fore\" or \"running back stitch\" or \"combination stitch.\"  This is useful for hunting shirt pleats, seams on the panels of women\'s gowns, pocket bags, hems of mens coats, among other places.    Running Stitch: https://youtu.be/06zSa4jSZXk  Back Stitch  https://youtu.be/_-xQlHhE6-4  www.nealhursttailor.com  Music: National Emblem by The United States Naval Academy Band' 

Tags: how to , tutorial , sewing , tailoring , costume , iMovie , techniques , cosplay , sew , georgian , tailor , 18th century , back stitch , tailors , running stitch , Handsewn , sewn , combination stitch , back and fore stitch , running back stitch

SEE ALSO: musculation , Fitness Ηλιού ολη , Goo , andrei deiu , beautiful , Fitness Inspiration , μαιρησυνατσακηbox , burn fat , nestle fitness , isaw

May 31, 2023
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