'As per the latest news on Times Now, in the state of Uttar Pradesh in Sambhal where a restaurant owner has now been arrested for selling non-vegetarian food wrapped in newspaper with Hindu Gods. The incident now has been reported from the Shankar Chowk area. The owner of Mehak Restaurant was seen in a viral picture using a newspaper with pictures of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses to wrap non-vegetarian food. The police said that they have received complaints from certain right-wing groups that the restaurant owner was using such newspapers with pictures of Gods and Goddesses. Watch the full video to know more. Subscribe to Times Now | https://bit.ly/SubscribeToTimesNow Log on to www.timesnownews.com ( https://www.timesnownews.com/videos) for the latest news & updates. Give a missed call on 1800 4190 300. Stay updated, stay ahead.’ More Videos ▶Latest Breaking News on TIMES NOW - http://tiny.cc/hc4xdz ▶India Upfront With Rahul Shivshankar - http://tiny.cc/ju3xdz ▶The Newshour - http://tiny.cc/aw3xdz ▶Frankly Speaking with Navika Kumar - http://tiny.cc/fz3xdz Subscribe Now To Our Network Channels:- Mirror Now: https://bit.ly/32xyBMe ET Now: http://goo.gl/5XreUq TN+: https://bit.ly/2EEJaF4 Social Media Links:- Facebook - http://goo.gl/CC7rGc G+ - http://goo.gl/O1iEp5 Twitter - http://goo.gl/uHYsqP Also visit our website - http://www.timesnownews.com/videos'
Tags: latest News , times now , breaking news in hindi , uttar pradesh news , restaurant owner arrested , mehak restaurant owners arrested , sambhal mehak restaurant , murder in sangbhal , restaurant vendalize , special cell arrested nawab satpal tanwar , sambhal police , special cell of delhi police arrested , non veg food wrapped in newspaper , sambhal restaurant latest news , mehak restaurant news , mehak restaurant breaking news
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