'Fantasy and Fashion Genre mixed in this fashion film, first screened in the official selection for Miami Fashion Film Festival 2014. Directed by Ale Melero and Fernando Díaz Cast: Luis Orozco y María Ávila'
Tags: space , fashion , Fashion (Industry) , fantasy , star , alien , Lost , future , Fashion Show (Film Subject) , planet , SciFi , princess , Dress (Industry) , fiction , Spain (Country) , sci , doberman , Origin , Dog (Domesticated Animal) , beauty pageant (film subject) , fashionfilm , Earth (Planet) , chasing , Fantasy (TV Genre) , planetearth , spaceships , lostmemory , yevisual , alemelero , fernandodiaz , miamifashionfilm , officialselection , fernandoclaro , anunnakis , origenhumanidad , origenhombre , humanidad , Earth Science (Field Of Study)
SEE ALSO: �Movie , gym workout , garage gym , motivational , Personal Training , pan , nestle , workout class , how to lose weight , no equipment workout