'Aamir Khan who swayed us with his six pack abs in Dhoom 3, now a days has been put on lot of weight. The actor has got back on his fitness regimes and we wish to see his charming personality once again in P.K For more Bollywood, log on to http://www.businessofcinema.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Businessofcinema Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BOCLive'
Tags: bollywood movies , India , bollywood songs , hindi movies , bollywood , latest bollywood news , bollywood gossips , businessofcinema , Peekay (Film) , Aamir Khan (TV Program Creator)
SEE ALSO: schlank , Muscle Girls , Bollywood News in hindi , workout at home , mukbang , exercise during pregnancy , aerobic workout , men s fitness , street food , nut