'#Ahmedabad #Nonvegfood #BhupendraPatel Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Monday said the state government has no problem with different food habits of people, an assertion coming amidst the demand for removal of non-vegetarian food carts from roads in various cities. However, Patel said, action can be taken against street food carts that are selling \"unhygienic\" food or if they are obstructing traffic on city roads. In Ahmedabad, the municipal corporation ruled by the BJP has decided to remove non-veg food stalls from public roads and those operating 100 metres from schools and religious places. The Chief Minister\'s clarification came in the backdrop of local BJP leaders demanding the removal of non-vegetarian food carts from roads in different cities of Gujarat. The demand for the removal of non-veg food carts from public places has also come from cities like Vadodara, Rajkot and Dwarka. “Some people eat vegetarian food, some people eat non-vegetarian food, the BJP government does not have any problem with it. There have been demands to remove particular \'larries\' (carts) from the road. \"Our only concern is that the food sold from food carts should not be unhygienic,” Patel said, addressing a BJP programme at Bandhani village in Anand district. #BJP #gujarat #ahmedabad #patel #food #foodhabits #bhupendrapatel #patel #vijayrupani #chicken #gujaratcm PM Modi plays drums in meeting with Indian community before his departure from Glasgow https://youtu.be/MNWuErQchFI Israel PM Bennett calls PM Modi \'most popular man in Israel\', asks him to join his party https://youtu.be/2BUVl7dLz-I Ex Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh arrested in money laundering case https://youtu.be/9wlqaQ7lSNo For more videos, subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/c/editorji Check out the editorji website for more news: www.editorji.com To stay updated, download the editorji App: www.editorji.com/download Follow editorji here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/editorjitech/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/editorji Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/editor_ji/?hl=en Telegram: https://t.me/editorji --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
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