'One of the top questions I get asked is which stand mixer should I buy, with so many about this is the one I bought and well tested out, Check out my Kenwood KMix Stand Mixer see what you get with it, In the video I show you what you get with it, and my initial thoughts on kenwood. full review #kenwood #kmix #standmixerreview Stand Mixer for Baking, Stylish Kitchen Mixer with K-beater, Dough Hook and Whisk, 5 Litre S/S Bowl, Removable Splash Guard, 500 W, Cream STYLE AND RELIABILITY: For those that love baking, the Kenwood kMix stand mixer with stylish S/S bowl offers a stylish blend of colour, retro design and classic Kenwood reliability NON-STICK BAKING: A full set of non-stick baking tools including the K-beater, balloon whisk and the dough hook, making baking bread and mixing cake batter, easy and stress free UNIQUE FOLD FUNCTION: Alongside the 5L glass mixing bowl, the kMix comes with a 500w motor, planetary mixing action for a good mix, unique fold function helps you create mixes like brioche OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: With over 10 optional attachments you can do even more in the kitchen like pasta rolling and meat grinding, protect your kitchen with the supplied splash guard EASY CLEAN UP: Mixer with baking tools are dishwasher safe for quick and easy cleaning New one today : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kenwood-kMix-Stand-Mixer-Cream/dp/B072175L1X/ref=sr_1_4?c=ts&dchild=1&keywords=Kitchen+Mixers&qid=1603987256&refinements=p_89%3AKenwood&sr=8-4&ts_id=10706601 Please remember to Subscribe to my channel it’s free Now check out the recipes and playlists on my channel Check out My Bakery facebook https://www.facebook.com/Tradbakery Sourdough and yeast breads recipes link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy9fL45HraBLxYHIEYChloW5QUz8D1PzD Home baker recipes link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy9fL45HraBL-zp5knKKJmk_1No4TJWBH Home baker flapjack recipes link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy9fL45HraBJjKm-Knm9WGjJ16KxFzsbs How it made in the bakery link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy9fL45HraBJ1v92IYiaclDozQZ9pUAC0 Product Reviews link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy9fL45HraBK8O8LKA8TSEHGun8j1y3-G Pasty, Pies, Sausage Rolls link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy9fL45HraBK5xejzl1bzqM7iHCEcdnAy Thank you for watching Please Subscribe and Share Laters Kenwood : https://www.amazon.co.uk'
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