'Janet Pyatt, proprietor of The Backcountry Peddler, A Living History Mercantile located in Salisbury, NC opened her shop to SCHA for a comprehensive look at men’s and women’s clothing during the time of American Revolutionary War. To learn more about The Backcountry Peddler and to shop online, visit https://www.thebackcountrypeddler.com/ This video is part of the Spartanburg County Historical Association\'s Presentation of FestiFall at Walnut Grove Plantation. SCHA is a non-profit organization. Please consider making a donation. To learn more about or organization and to contribute, click here: https://www.spartanburghistory.org/support/#dontate Follow SCHA on Facebook and Instagram @SpartanburgHistory'
SEE ALSO: ger , model , powerlifting , fit , pregnancy week by week , �Movie , � ต้น Zumba , musculation , MasterClass , spor