'Zee News\'s Sudhir Chaudhari outlines the effect of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet on our environment and how accepting a vegetarian diet at least to some extent in our daily life can help our environment to great extent and how it might reduce strain on our natural resources like water. Source : Zee News Copyright Disclaimer : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for the purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. #VegorNonveg #SudhirChaudhari #Environment'
Tags: vegan , vegan diet , veg diet , शाकाहारी , Sudhir Chaudhari , शाकाहार अच्छा या मांसाहार , Vegetarian or non-vegetarian , veg or nonveg , Effect of food on environment , benefits of veg food , शाकाहार के फायदे , is non-veg healthy , मांसाहार के परिणाम
SEE ALSO: strengthening , ger , sexy , champion , ab exercises , rogue fitness , shilpa s yoga , fitness trainer , U.S.Marines , jeremy buendia posing