
'Saving our tractor from deep mud and dirt | Tractors for kids'

'Saving our tractor from deep mud and dirt | Tractors for kids'

'Our kids tractors are stuck in the mud and dirt! We use real tractors to dig them out of the dirt and mud. We use a front end loader and a Bulldozer! Our tractor for kids was stuck in deep mud. Check our merch! https://hudsonsplayground.com/ Follow our Insta! https://www.instagram.com/hudsonsplayground/' 

Tags: Water , kids playing , Dirt , Rocks , Mud , john deere , tractors for kids , kids tractor , bulldozer , toy tractor , digging , dozer , kids ride on tractor , real tractors , kids tractors , hudson tractor , hudson and holly , bull dozer , deep mud , wwater

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Apr 12, 2023
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