'In this High Intensity Body Shock workout you have 5 Circuits. Each Circuit has 2 Exercises. You do 6 Rounds of each Circuit. The interval is 20/20/20, which means work 20 seconds, work 20 seconds, rest 20 seconds, repeat. Remember to transition between exercises as quickly as possible. Comment below with any questions or suggestions. Do you find these workouts helpful? Do you like the speed or do you prefer longer periods of demonstrating the exercises? Do you like background music or no? **Subscribe for more videos** www.obstacourse.com'
Tags: cardio , hiit , hiit workouts , Circuit Training , exercise plan , cross training , circuit training workouts , body shock
SEE ALSO: sami , thighs , full body workout , 2018 , sin , we. , comedy , full body , �Film , reggaeton