'In this Body Shock you’ll be doing 4 exercises back to back, 20 seconds each. Then rest for 20 seconds. Do 6 rounds of each circuit. Circuits: 3 Exercises per circuit: 4 Rounds per circuit: 6 Interval: 20/20/20/20/20 Like, comment, share. Subscribe for more workouts. Follow us IG @obstacourse_fitness Facebook ObstaCourse Fitness Twitter obstacourse_RWC Snapchat obstacourse_fit www.obstacourse.com'
Tags: hiit , hiit workouts , body shock
SEE ALSO: hiit , kenwood chef , kitchen , power , fit pregnancy , sangeet , calories , ernährung , Health and fitness , मंगलवार को non veg क्यूँ नह� ं खाते