
'Eats. More Fun in the Philippines'

'Eats. More Fun in the Philippines'

'The Philippines’ Department of Tourism and Jollibee are ready to show you why #EatsMoreFunInThePhilippines - with Mikey Bustos, Chefs JP Anglo, and Jordan Andino also in on the fun! Watch it now!   ASC Ref. No. : J148P082819J' 

Tags: pinoy , food tourism , tourism , mikey bustos , jollibee , Dot , ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines , JP , Department of Tourism , eatsmorefuninthephilippines , Jordan Andino , Mikey Bustos Jollibee , Chef JP Jollibee , Chef Jordan Jollibee

SEE ALSO: MasterClass , strong , PJFT , girls , second trimester , vid , Personal Training , po , �Film , gym songs

Mar 22, 2023
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