'Shock Therapy is the latest exercise craze to hit the Upper East Side. Watch as New York Post reporter Heather Hauswirth tries electro muscle stimulation, or EMS, for the first time. #workout #shocktherapy #fitness #exercise #ems #emt #ect #therapy #nypost #newyorkpost #HeatherTries #shock #shocking #twitch Check out Heather trying out other hot new things: Heather Tries to Freeze Fat Off in a Cryotherapy Chamber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW8eA1_dxt8 Heather Tries Meditative Rope Bondage to Find Peace and Achieve Zen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4R9cv35WyY Heather Tries the World\'s Most Expensive Chocolate with a Chocolate Expert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z84V76ITKSI Related article: \'Electro-shock workouts and punk-rock yoga: The craziest new fitness classes\' - https://nypost.com/2018/01/15/electro-shock-workouts-and-punk-rock-yoga-the-craziest-new-fitness-classes/ - Wish you had hours to spend pounding iron at the gym? Fake it with the help of electric muscle stimulation. At EMS studio Shock Therapy, which opens next month on the Upper East Side, clients wear body suits hooked up to a machine that send pulses of electricity to muscles. Those pulses cause muscle contractions, which some research shows can tone limbs faster than an electricity-free workout. “We get you in and out in 30 minutes,” says founder Esra Cavusoglu, claiming that the speedy class can get you results comparable to a three-hour sweat sesh. Group classes max out at six people and are led by a live instructor, as well as a video avatar projected onto the studio wall to showcase perfect form. Don’t miss: The signature earthy scent designed by master perfumer Christophe Laudamiel pumped through the vents in the studio. It contains notes of energizing peppermint and angelica seeds. Classes are $55. Opens Feb. 3 at 153 E. 70th St.; ShockTherapy.com The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Catch the latest news and gossip here: https://nypost.com/video/ Follow The New York Post on: Twitter - https://twitter.com/nypost Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NYPost'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , workouts , Health , body , muscle , muscles , exercises , training , shock , twitch , electric , therapy , EMS , metabolism , EMS training , EMT , electroconvulsive therapy , ect , ems workout , Stimulator , stimulation , electric shock , impulse control , new york Post , ny post , nypost , Electrical muscle stimulation , electro muscle stimulation , electroshock therapy , Muscle stimulation , Muscle Stimulator , electric shock workout , electric workout , shock therapy , electroshock , electro fitness
SEE ALSO: diet , legs , booty workout , zone fitness , bauch beine po workout , Q dance , बॉड कैसे बनाये video , personal , glute workout , 11th