'We all know how hard Kareena Kapoor Khan has been working out to lose the pregnancy weight after the birth of Taimur. The actress is regularly spotted at gyms and yoga studios sweating it out. And her BFF Amruta Arora posted a few videos of her and Bebo in the gym. Take a look to get some fitness goals from Kareena! Watch latest Bollywood gossip videos, latest Bollywood news and behind the scene Bollywood Masala. For interesting Latest Bollywood News subscribe to Biscoot TV now : http://www.youtube.com/BiscootTV Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BiscootLive Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/BiscootLive For Latest Bollywood News Subscribe us on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/c/BiscootTV Circle us on G+ https://plus.google.com/+BiscootLive Find us on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/BiscootLive'
Tags: bollywood news , bollywood actress , Bollywood News in hindi , bollywood gossip , bollywood box office , kareena kapoor , Kareena Kapoor Movies , Kareena Kapoor all movies , kareena kapoor workout , Kareena Kapoor body , Kareena Kapoor Workout Video , Kareena Kapoor and taimur , kareena kapoor baby , Kareena Kapoor Gym , kareena kapoor weight , Kareena Kapoor Films , kareena kapoor and amruta arora , kareena kapoors hot gym videos will give you fitness goals
SEE ALSO: vegan , soccer , couple , weightlifting , fitness tips , bodybuilding , exercise ball , aamir khan s transformation , fitness girl , Golf swing