'Burlesque Dolls hosted their first official show, \'A Night in Paris\' recently and the show included an array of Burlesque, Circus and Aerial performers, including this stunning Pole Duo, Sarah and Mimi. This Pole Dolls Duo perform shows which cater to any audience, with shows uniquely choreographed to any event or request. Their amazing strength, dance ability and fun-loving attitude, makes their shows, exhilarating, breathtaking and showstopping. Pole Dolls are available for bookings for any range of event, please visit; www.burlesquedolls.com.au or email: [email protected] for more information.'
Tags: sexy , Dance , fun , AUSTRALIA , sexy girls , dancing , dancer , Pole dance , Gold Coast , fit chicks , Pole fitness , strong girls , pole , Showgirls , pole dancer , Pole Tricks , miss pole dance , pole show , advanced pole tricks , felix cane , pole performance , advanced pole fitness , doubles pole routine , double pole tricks , amazing pole dancer , doubles act
SEE ALSO: royal marines training , instagram上� �感健身美女 , body fitness gym , 11th , routine , athlete , Kareena Kapoor Workout Video , Kareena Kapoor Gym , fitness challenge , bir