'This is a hip opening workout in standing. Great throughout pregnancy, ideal for those in the 3rd trimester who find it difficult to up and down from the floor. Helps with pelvic pain, hip pain and low back pain. Hip openers are also a great way to prepare the body for childbirth. ♥ FB PAGE: Prenatal/ Postnatal Physio by Pippa https://www.facebook.com/xuerebpippa/ ♥ YouTube Channel: subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Pippa929 ♥ Instagram Profile: https://www.instagram.com/xuerebpippa/ or just look for xuerebpippa Music From: https://youtu.be/YqRO_qgBB1c #prenatalphysio #prenatalexercises #prenatalpilates #pelvicpain #pelvicgirdlepain #pgd #symphysispubisdysfunction #spd #postnatal #diastasisrecti #rehab# lowbackpain #pregnancypain #preganncyexercises'
SEE ALSO: aamir khan transformation , des , 1.Trimester , Wil , 11th , weightloss , shor , cardio workout , Women , glute workout