
'I Play Ring Fit Adventure Again for 30 Days (Nintendo Switch) - Round 4 - Fitness Game Review'

'I Play Ring Fit Adventure Again for 30 Days (Nintendo Switch)  - Round 4 -  Fitness Game Review'

'I Play Ring Fit Adventure Again for 30 Days (Nintendo Switch)  - Round 4 -  Fitness Game Review  Follow me on twitter at: @TrueJackJenk  Script:  Drauguax is on the run! He is destroying everything in his path and will stop at nothing to be the buffest dragon dude thing in the entire world. It\'s up to me and this technologically enhanced Pilates ring to defeat him. What\'s going on, everybody! My name is Jack Jenkins, and today I am doing my ongoing Fitness Game Review of Ring Fit Adventure. The largest and most content-packed fitness game I have ever played. I am going to continue to unpack it by playing it every other thirty days in between the regularly scheduled fitness game reviews until I one hundred percent complete it. It\'s going to be a long journey, and I hope you are all ready for it. It\'s time to get buff!  Last time I started off in world 14 with quite a few side missions almost done. At the end of the thirty days, I have destroyed world 20 with a few side missions left, but I am practically done hitting that one hundred percent. For my first day of this round, I went through and destroyed 4 cobalt kettlebells. I really like these types of missions structures since it gives you a reason to revisit any previous worlds to go on the hunt. I know that they pretty much just reuse the same levels over and over again but still. It\'s quite fun, and I wish there were more side missions like these.  After that, I went back to world 14 and got caught up by beating all the side missions until world 17, which I was on with the kettlebells. I wanted to make sure I was at the highest level before I beat Drauguax. Beating all the side missions were pretty easy except for that Dredmill mini-game. It\'s not that it\'s wrong or anything. It just supper tiers me out. I guess that makes it a neat mini-game since that\'s the point, though. After that, I continued onto the story where a twist happens. Drauguax evil influence turned all the animal\'s evil. You now have to go through and beat up them animals. That\'s right, everybody. You got to destroy a dear now! Flamingos and foxes, you going down too. From a developer\'s point of view, I know this was done since it\'s easy to just reuse the models you\'ve already created in the game, but it\'s a pretty fun twist for us gamers. It\'s not much work, but you get a lot more enemy variety. A smart way of thinking.   After beating up some animals, I took on Drauguax and beat his legs ability. After that, I continued onto world 19, where you have to destroy the red kettlebell mini-boss. He\'s pretty easy to take down with the strength of your arms. Especially since the standing twist is so overpowered in the game. Next, you get to the final boss, Armondo, who you destroy yet again with that standing twisty arm attack.  World 20 I thought for sure will be yoga-based. Instead, Andma has all of the abilities and just faces her regularly. I feel like the game kind of glances over the yoga abilities. Probably since they really don\'t help you burn that many calories in comparison but still. After detecting andma, you go to Drauguax, where he eats all of the champions for their power. You then have to defeat him as he changes colors for Red, Blue, and Yellow. Again, yoga is ignored. After beating him, you try and go to World 21. For this world, you are trying to get to hades to save the champions. The last level in that game has you destroying some Drauguax statues, so I can get some fragments to finally purchase that dang outfit. I thought I would have to wait till like a new game plus, but luckily I got it right away. That\'s where I left off at the start of world 21 with a ton of side quests to do when I jump back in again in 30 days. My impression of the game after one-hundred and twenty days of playing have not really changed. I still really enjoy this game and the twists that come with it. I\'m not sure how long I have until I beat the game, but I feel pretty close. The game keeps the challenge high while still keeping the challenge. Speaking of that, some of the challenges that come up are just way too hard. For example, it\'s taken me so many tries to do these squatty pottery side missions just cause the ranking system is so strict. Not to mention the overall mini-game is exclusively terribly designed and doesn\'t make me feel like I\'m working out anything. God, this game just makes me mad! The squatting goals mini-game is also a super challenge. There are the ones where you can\'t get any gold coins was a significant pain since you had to make sure to time it just right to not hit the booms while again not doing too much pressure to get the gold coins—what a pain.   Read the full script on my Website' 

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Jun 29, 2022
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