'5 TIPS to Score BIG Points in the Army Combat Fitness Test'

'Be sure to avoid these errors and use these tips to score big points in your #ACFT.  Making a few simple mistakes can cost you the score that you deserve.  #1 Know your 3 rep max deadlift prior to the event.  Train with a coach.    #2 Know the standards of the Hanging Leg Tuck - Elbows to Knees (or thighs).  Work on your pulling strength.  It is not good enough to touch your knees to your triceps.  #3 Max Air for Max Points on the Standing Power Throw - video tape yourself and practice your release timing.  #4 Know your 2-mile running pace.  Practice and time your 2-mile event.  Lern to run at your event pace.  Do not run your first 1/2 mile too fast.  Instead, run your first 1/2 mile at the same pace that you plan to finish the event.  Practice at your target pace to improve your times.  #5 Train with Intensity.  High-intensity and CrossFit style workouts help to build power, agility, and sprint-speed strength.  Training for strength or endurance is not enough.' 

Tags: army combat fitness test , ACFT , leg tuck , standing power throw , sprint drag carry

SEE ALSO: jeremy buendia , fact , shoulder workout , interval training , fit , quick workout , E News , FITNESS BOX , fashion , vpjft

Jun 7, 2022
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