'Roll Downs by Erica Ziel creator of KnockedUpFitness.com, prenatal and postnatal dvd\'s and digital programs. Roll downs are a great exercise to help you activate and strengthen your deep core muscles which can help in repairing diastasis recti {abdominal separation} after baby plus can help minimize and possible even get rid of back pain bey strengthening your core and lengthening your spine while improving your posture. www.EricaZiel.com'
Tags: abs , exercise , pilates , core , video , iMovie , postpartum , posture , back pain , pregnancy exercises , pregnancy , pregnancy workouts , prenatal , diastasisrecti , erica ziel , knocked up fitness
SEE ALSO: diy , golf stretches , bollywood gossip , fitness trainer , Filipino , legtoning , best motivational video , body transformation , golf exercise , workout at home