
'Ranking The Top 10 Fitness Game Reviews That I\'ve Done So Far - 2021 - FGR'

'Ranking The Top 10 Fitness Game Reviews That I\'ve Done So Far  - 2021 - FGR'

'Script:  Rankings:   1 - RingFit Adventure 2 - DDR Mario Mix 3 - Zumba Burn it Up! 4 - Fitness Boxing 2 5 - Yoga Masters  6 - Smurfs Dance Party 7 - Fitness Boxing  8 - Dance on Broadway 9 - Baila Latino 10 - Dancing with the Stars   It\'s been a year and a half since I\'ve been reviewing fitness games. Since the previous game review, dancing with the stars, was my tenth review, I thought it would be fun to go back and rank the games from best to worst. That way, you can see my opinions all in one video. Let\'s rank the ten fitness game reviews! Let\'s Go!  All the way at number ten is dancing with the stars for the Wii. Is it really any kind of surprise? The game is not only one of the most boring video game experiences I have had the misery of playing, but it didn\'t even get my heart rate up. If you haven\'t played it, well, remember that mini-game in Rayman Raving Rabids where you have to shake the game controllers to match the beat? Yeah, that was cool for a few minutes, right? Well, they built a whole game around that concept. The graphics are horrible. Half the songs are ripped off from those stock music CDs from the nineties, and the controls barely register. This game is deserving of the bottom spot by far.   At number nine, we have Baila Latino. When I saw that this game was being remade for the Nintendo Switch for just ten bucks, I was happy. The game could have been given a second life and become a series on par with just dance. Instead, they directly ported the buggy, poorly designed Wii U version with no changes. What a shame. Just a few improvements here and there, and it could easily be on the top half of the list. Every one of the twenty-five songs is a blast to listen to and is incredibly danceable. Unfortunately, lousy User Experience, wonky controls, and horrible video footage compression leave much to be desired.  Speaking of wasted potential, we have Dance! on Broadway for the Wii at number eight. The concept of dancing like broadway actors to some of the biggest show tunes of all time is a fantastic concept. What isn\'t amazing is a concise song list, zero replayability, and little content. I know the game is ten years old at this point, but Ubisoft, instead of making assassins creed 30, please revise this franchise for the switch. So many tremendous improvements can be made to really make the game shine. It\'s just such a waste of potential.  Number seven, we have fitness boxing. The first exercise game for the Nintendo Switch does a great job getting your heart rate by boxing with your anime waifu. Choose between a ton of classes to get started and unlock new uniforms for your babe. That\'s right Bernard, I\'m talking to you. The game is fun; however, the sequel has everything in this game and so much more, pushing it down a little bit. The songs are pretty terrible pop covers played on a dollar store Casio piano. So just mute the songs, play your own and get to working out.   At number six, we have probably the biggest surprise with Smurfs Dance Party. That\'s right, I\'m saying Smurfs dance party is more fun than fitness boxing! The fun comes from the fact the game is just so dumb and corny. The songs are terrible covers with the word smurfs thrown in. Instead of who let the dogs out, you are rocking to who let the smurfs out. The story mode is super short, with barely any content. And yet, I can\'t help myself from just loving the absolute crap out of this game. It\'s like the Room of video games. Except instead of Tommy Wiseau\'s awkward dialog, you got papa smurfs weird pauses. I highly recommend finding yourself a copy of this game just to make fun of it. It still blows my mind that a joke game is better than half the fitness and dancing games out there… that\'s where we are at, people.   Number 5, we relax to Yoga Masters for the switch and PS4. The game looks like garbage but contains a crazy amount of content for just thirty dollars. You got over one-hundred and fifty poses across one hundred courses. There is even a course builder so you can create your own. The game does have some problems, though. It could use more information on Yoga or more guidance towards beginners. The next FGR, Yoga for Wii, does have some issues. It at least goes incredibly in-depth about the religious and historical background of Yoga, and I wish this could do the same. Still, if you are looking to stretch out your body, you can\'t beat Yoga Master.  At number 4, we have Fitness Boxing 2 for the Nintendo switch. The sequel took the first game and made some minor improvements. You got better graphics, more unlockables, the ability to choose your own stage, tons more customizability, and more features. While many of the minor complaints were fixed, the major ones were ignored.   Read the rest at jack.jenkins.com!' 

SEE ALSO: john abraham workout in gym , weight loss journey , hindi fitness , Food processor , vegan , at home , tiktok , latest , beine , gym music

Apr 12, 2022
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