'Zumba Classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays in 106 Bergen Ave Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 in the Knights of Columbus. Call Us at +1844-699-8622 To Join Us Now or you can visit our website:- http://myzumbabody.com/ / Mail Us at [email protected] Address:- 106 Bergen Ave, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 MyZumbaBody Website:- http://myzumbabody.com/ SUBSCRIBE US: MyZumbaBody: http://bit.ly/2xtXziu Schedule Your Appointment Today: http://bit.ly/2vRcA9E OR CALL US NOW on +1 844-699-8622 FOLLOW US: MyZumbaBody Facebook: http://bit.ly/2wmcqXh MyZumbaBody Twitter: http://bit.ly/2wUbqxO MyZumbaBody Instagram: http://bit.ly/2wXw8dO MyZumbaBody Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2fedSoH MyZumbaBody Google Plus: http://bit.ly/2wXfMBU MyZumbaBody Tumblr: http://bit.ly/2w3ZUAq MyZumbaBody Flikr: http://bit.ly/2vREylu Thanks for watching!'
Tags: MyZumbaBody
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