'Are you fit? How do you know? Take our fitness test to get your realFIT Score™ at www.realFITscore.com. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more fitness videos at http://bit.ly/realFITvideos. The realFIT 40-yard dash fitness test is primarily a measure of pure speed, but power and agility also play a role, especially in the start. Record the time it takes you to run 40 yards, measured to the 1/100\'s of a second. You may use unlimited attempts. MAX SCORE TARGET: 4.24 seconds, a record set in the NFL Combine 40-yard dash'
Tags: fitness , exercise , wellness , Health , SPORTS , sprint , run , fitness test , NFL Combine , 40-yard dash
SEE ALSO: exercise how to , glute workout , muskeln , body fitness gym , kitchen , satya , V Shape , walking workout , zu , Unlimited