'http://golfswingfittips.com/ Best Price I could find on the TRX Training System w/Free Door Anchor - http://golfswingfittips.com/trx-trainer-body-weight-system - my affiliate links Lowest price on the Bosu Ball - http://golfswingfittips.com/bosu-ball-balance-trainer-go Golf Exercises - Today Golf Fitness Specialist Ha Bui shows three variations of Push Ups on the TRX Suspension Trainer, Bosu Ball and ground. Many people don\'t focus on actually contracting / flexing the muscle actively other than going through the motions. By flexing actively while doing the exercise and focusing on quality over quantity you will benefit much more. This applies to most any exercise...not just these golf exercises on the TRX and Bosu Ball. 00:54 Ground Explanation and Demonstration 02:00 Bosu Ball Balance Trainer Explanation and Demonstration 04:23 TRX Suspension Trainer Explanation and Demonstration'
Tags: trx , Golf (Sport) , bosu ball , Golf Fitness (Sport) , GolfFitTips , Golf Swing Fit Tips
SEE ALSO: Royal , Arnold , JULIANA MALACARNE , pod , lates , exerc , hollywood , triceps , YouTube , home gym