'New Soccer Fitness Series! This is a new series of fitness exercises for teams. We have put together a comprehensive collection of some of our favorite team fitness training exercises. Some incorporate the ball, but all mimic the movements and challenges of soccer. Important are the stops and starts and change of direct within the exercises. We also like to ask for the players to challenge each other as an opponent in the exercises. Featuring: Ajax United U13 boys Academy Team / 2018-19 Trainer: Dave de Hart Video footage: Phil Sanchez Editing: Dave de Hart February 2019'
Tags: how to , girls , fitness , BOYS , exercises , best , training , soccer , skills , Youth , shooting , teaching , coaching , Moves , drills , Futbol , serious , passing , defender , striker , u14 , dribbling , no limits soccer academy , USSDA , goalkeeper , goalkeeping , U12 , U10 , U13 , Ajax United , midfielder , attacking , defending , Dave deHart
SEE ALSO: mar , nut , sec , indian street food , build muscle , fit 40 , stabilit , walk at home , การออกกำลังกาย ต้น Zumba , cha