
'Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 - Pop Dance DLC Trailer'

'Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 - Pop Dance DLC Trailer'

'Break a sweat dancing to some Pop music in the new DLC.  See more Your Shape Fitness Evolves 2012 media on GameTrailers: http://www.gametrailers.com/game/your-shape-fitness-evolved/14965' 

Tags: Gameplay , video , gaming , game , games , video game , ubisoft , VIDEOGAME , Microsoft , xbox 360 , xbox live , Jogos , X360 , juego , juegos , Xbox360 , jeux , GameTrailers

SEE ALSO: bodyfitness , gains , aesthetics , The , weight lifting , PJFT , mr olympia , street food , workout at home , weight gain

Nov 3, 2023
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