'warm up 30 seconds samson lunges push up to downward dog kb/db deadlift spiderman lunge push up to downward dog arm swings samson lunge right side press left side press Metcon: For Time 10 dumbbell hang clean and jerk- 75 double unders 20 dumbbell hang clean and jerk- 75 double unders 30 dumbbell hang clean and jerk- 75 double unders 40 dumbbell hang clean and jerk- 75 double unders *scale= 150 single unders, or 50 lateral hops over the dumbbell no equipment option: 10 push up to up down- 50 lateral hops 20 push up to up down- 50 lateral hops 30 push up to up down- 50 lateral hops 40 push up to up down- 50 lateral hops'
SEE ALSO: kol antrenmanı , Beach , Fitness Ηλιού ολη , john abraham workout in gym , new , sixpa , The , pilates , prenatal yoga , John Abraham s gym workout