
'Parkinson’s Brain and Body Fitness Friday Exercises'

'Parkinson’s Brain and Body Fitness Friday Exercises'

'For more information on this topic, visit: https://www.parkinson.org/Understanding-Parkinsons/Treatment/Exercise  Parkinson’s Brain and Body  Polly Caprio Power for Parkinson\'s® Brain & Body Instructor  Stimulate your brain-body connection in this Power for Parkinson\'s® Brain & Body home exercise class. Polly Caprio will lead you through symptoms-focused exercises that are sure to give you a full workout head (or brain) to toe. Have fun with these stimulating cognitive challenges, large muscle movements, memory exercises, and pattern sequences. Happy exercising!' 

Tags: parkinson's , Parkinson's Disease

SEE ALSO: boxing training , ab workouts , vpjft , Take , MMA , protein , ide , sin , aerobic exercise , burlesque

Jul 29, 2023
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