'Total Body Fitness made simple with your ISO-BOW. Perform each exercise consecutively for 1 set Number of sets: Foundational Strength: 1 set Muscle Enhancement: 2 sets Peak Performance: 3 sets EXERCISES Second isometric hold followed by 12 controlled repetitions. ISO-SWINGS Shoulder Presses Chest Squeezes Lateral Raises Reverse Flys Rotator Cuffs Vertical Rotator Cuffs Horizontal Bicep Curls Tricep Extension Reverse Grip Curls Tricep Kickbacks Leg Extension / Leg Curls Hip and Core Lateral Leg Raise Core Circles https://www.bullworker.com/product/iso-bow/'
Tags: home fitness , functional fitness , total body fitness , home total body workout , Isometric Strength Training , Bullworker Functional Fitness , Isometric Total Body Workout , Strength Training Straps , ISO-BOW Total Body Routine , ISO-BOW Whole Body Workout , ISO-BOW Total Body Fitness
SEE ALSO: Rogue , shor , workout motivation , hindi fitness , sab , hot , royal marine , grand , real tractors , Stephan