'Today we are talking about a female bodybuilder from Brazil, Juliana began to study female bodybuilding when she was 20 years old, wanting to get a body in good shape. It didn\'t take long for her to realize that bodybuilding is her way. After countless long periods of training and dieting, Juliana began to compete, quickly rising to the pinnacle of female bodybuilding. Thanks to her achievements, the bodybuilder has gained many loyal fans, whom she motivates to change her body and lifestyle. Juliana took an interest in weight lifting from her early school years. female bodybuilder Juliana; https://www.instagram.com/julesfit10 #fbb , #musclegirl , #ABVMotivation'
Tags: bodybuilding , muscles , gym workout , female bodybuilder , female muscle , fbb , fbb muscle , Juliana muscle , Juliana workout , Juliana fbb , Juliana ifbb , juliana bodybuilder , juliana fbb muscle
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