'A large number of randomized control trials have demonstrated that Tai Chi effectively improves cardiovascular and respiratory health and fitness. The Tai Chi for Cardiopulmonary Health Program by Exercise Medicine Australia and Exercise Medicine International is an evidence-based, safe and targeted Tai Chi intervention program for reducing the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and improve cardiovascular and respiratory health, fitness and the quality of life. A recent clinical trial conducted at the Prince Charles Hospital in Australia showed that 12-week practice of the Tai Chi for Cardiopulmonary Health Program significantly improved cardiopulmonary patients’ Spirituality Index of Wellbeing which measures health-related quality of life and wellbeing. The study also showed a trend for reduction in depressive symptoms in cardiopulmonary patients. Improvement in the patients\' lower limb strength and balance were also reported. No adverse events were reported during the trial.'
SEE ALSO: ufc , work out , build muscle , Fight , ch , tractors for kids , sab , Fitness Girls , Olympia , leg day